How to Move on after Reading The Chronicles of Narnia
I hover behind her, glancing at the words on the pages of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. But for once, I’m not reading. I’m watching her as she reads the book for the first time.
Wonder fills her eyes as she steps through the wardrobe. She shivers from the cold snow. Tears roll down her cheeks when Aslan dies. Joy erupts with His return.
I once was transfixed by the words. Now I watch her.
She finds Prince Caspian next, and I watch her journey through the rest of The Chronicles of Narnia. I see the tears fall as she weeps over the ending of Narnia and the joy that arises when old friends meet, never to suffer anymore.
She finishes the seven books. For the first time, she understands what bittersweet means. Her hand remains on her beloved books while air of Narnia still lingers, the sound of battle fading in the distance.
Then with a sigh, she asks, “What do I read next?”
What Christian fantasy books should she read after The Chronicles of Narnia?
You might feel tempted to fill her shelves with fantasy novels.
She’s not ready for another fantasy book.
She has just journeyed across the ocean to Aslan’s world, rescued the lost prince from under the earth, and finished her eel stew and fricasseed frogs.
Any other fantasy book at this time won’t compare to Narnia. She’s not ready for new worlds. She’s too busy checking out all the wardrobes in this world. Instead give her other stories that will deepen her love for reading while igniting her imagination in new ways. She needs to move on.
7 Great Books for Christian Children to read after The Chronicles of Narnia
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1. Banner in the Sky by James Ramsey Ullman
Rudi Matt lives under the shadow of the Swiss mountains and under the shadow of his father’s death. Every day Rudi sees the Citadel, the mountain where his father died while trying to be the first to reach the summit. Despite his mother’s fears, Rudi sets out to complete his father’s dream.
2. Watership Down by Richard Adams
When Fiver has a dream that something terrible will happen to their rabbit warren, he and his group of friends set out on a journey to find a new place to live. They contend with predators, humans, and even their own kind to find and make a new home. Even rabbits have battles and daring adventures.
3. The Pushcart War by Jean Merrill
Semi trucks are progress. Semi trucks bring more stuff. Semi trucks also hate pushcarts and drive over them when they have a chance. Finally, the pushcart drivers find a way to fight back. Thus begins a war between pushcarts and semi trucks.
4. Big Red by Jim Kjelgaard
Danny lived in the woods, knowing only trapping and hunting as a life. Big Red only knew the pampered life of show dogs. But when they met, they formed a deep friendship. Together they face the show ring and angry bears. Warning: This book does have a few bad words in it.
5. Black Beauty by Anna Sewell
Beauty Beauty tells his story from a peaceful meadow to many masters – some cruel and some kind. But Beauty endures hardship with the grace and joy, striving to be good, gentle, and hardworking.
6. The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald
I’m sneaking one fantasy series in here because I can’t help myself. It won’t detract from Narnia. In fact, I can picture it happening in a neighboring land. A young miner and a princess must face evil goblins with the help of her great-great grandmother. Make sure to continue the series with The Princess and Curdie.
7. This Can’t be Happening at MacDonald Hall by Gordon Kormon
Bruno and Boots share a room at a boarding school, and they are always in trouble. The Headmaster decides to change things and gives them new roommates. Bruno and Boots are determined to get their room back, no matter what it takes. Filled with pranks and desperate measures, this book will leave the whole family rolling with laughter.
These books should keep her busy for a while.
And don’t worry, after she has read The Chronicles of Narnia, she will return to fantasy. She will journey to Middle Earth and more lands, even though Narnia will remain her favorite. She’ll read the books so many times that she’ll have them basically memorized.
How do I know?
She’s me.
Thanks for reminding me of The Pushcart War! I loved that book. I’ve read all of these except the first and last on your list, so now I’m motivated to find those. I’m 58 now but I know a truly good children’s book is equally to be enjoyed by an adult. I don’t know if I’ll ever try Watership Down again, though, because I wasn’t expecting such violence from rabbits and it left me rather traumatized. 🙂 But that was a long time ago, so maybe I should prepare myself and give it another chance.