Do you long for the day when you hear your reluctant reader ask to read just one more page?
Have you ever tried to pre-read every book for your child because you want to make sure they are reading wholesome and godly content, only to collapse under the realization that you can’t keep up with their speed of consuming books?
I get it because I’m on the same path as you are.
I’m constantly in search of the perfect reading program so that the beginner readers plead to read just one more page. I’m on multiple quests to find edifying and captivating stories. I’m actively looking for books that entice over movies or tablets.
I don’t have all the answers, but I’m willing to share what has worked with my family as we face all the issues that crop up with reading from skills and techniques, to choosing quality books over garbage books, and creating godly, lifelong readers.
Struggling to find Christian fantasy that was also entertaining was one of the reasons I began to write stories. (Since then, I’ve written a huge range of books, but I honestly still love fantasy best.)