I’m not allowed to tell you how I know this. I can’t even tell you where I found this information.

But records of angel warriors exist.

Thousands of them. Files after files. Rooms and rooms full. All organized, categorized, and sorted. Angel Warrior Files

I know. I’ve seen them. My escort led me through the rooms, around the huge cabinets, and showed me how files were being created as we spoke.

And I was allowed to read some of the files.

Inside each folder was a log of incidents of when angels and humans were in grave danger. I read as long as I could, completely enthralled with the stories where people and angels battled the enemy together in their unique ways.

When my time was up, I knew what I had to do. I had to share these stories with you. You can read them in the Angel Warrior Files.

Angel Warrior Files
No Earthly Storm

No Earthly Storm

Author: Vicki V. Lucas
Series: Angel Warrior Files, Book 1
Genre: Supernatural

A ruthless demon overlord plots to kills two missionaries who infiltrate his realm. Only two angels stand guard.

Will they be able to stop the demons before the men are killed? Will the chains of darkness be broken before all is lost?

Bound, a short story of 8,800 words, is one of the many files of angel warriors who battle evil and protect God’s children.

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